SITES UPDATE January 2014
BIG COLLIN: Maintenance works have taken place along the laneway resulting in a number of new hazards to avoid - email has been sent to members with details.
SHANE'S HILL: The new landowner has given permission for flying to continue provided, as for all club sites, that every pilot is insured. The new owners have placed locks on the two top gates. Please contact the sites officer if you need access. In the meantime pilots should use the gate in the layby at the bottom of the hill. Please do not climb over any gates or the new fences that have been put up. More information in the sites guide in the members' area of the website.
Magilligan NW & Hell's Hole: A very large wind farm is proposed for the area downwind of these two sites. We are currently in discussions with the developers about this.
Dungiven West and Boviel: A large wind farm is to be built immediately downwind of these two sites. The chairman and sites officer are currently in discussions with the developer. Further update is in the latest club magazine Flypaper sent to members (colour version of the magazine and previous editions are in the members area of the website).
KNOCKAGH: There is a new barbed wire fence blocking usual pedestrian access. Do not attempt to cross this fence. For alternative access approved by the landowner see update on the website Sites Guide.
SLIEVE CROOB: Be aware of microlight activity from the nearby Slieve Croob Flying Club.
DUNGIVEN WEST: Stiles are now in place at the bottom landing area and by the top gate, courtesy of Limavady Borough Council (see photos in sites guide in the members' area).
SLIEVE GALLION: Sperrins Gateway have constructed a stile below the cairn. Further details, including photo, are in the Sites Guide in the members' area of this website. Landowner advises that lambing is expected in April and early May 2014 so the site is likely to be closed then. Update will be provided nearer the time.
Just a reminder that the following rules have been agreed with the Sl Gallion landowner:
- You may drive to the mast but under no circumstances must vehicles be driven any further than the car park. Parking should be sensible and not cause obstruction.
- Pilots must carry proof if insurance and be prepared to show this to the landowner if requested. For BHPA members your membership card or helmet sticker will suffice, this applies to visiting BHPA pilots. Non BHPA pilots will need to have proof of 3rd party liability insurance to minimum of £2,000,000. If challenged by the landowner please be polite and cooperative.
- Try to avoid landing near livestock at any time. The landowner lives in a bungalow at the bottom left of the north takeoff and has a clear view of this site. If you happen to land at the bottom near his house and there are animals around it may be helpful to call to the house and explain why you had to land there.
WHITEPARK BAY: Until further notice, before flying this site, please contact Willie Kane (tel: 07885157731) for updated information.
AGNEW'S HILL: East face - landowner requests us to use the stile on the fence that runs over the top (photo in sites guide). West and Southwest faces - access is by locked gate off the main Larne/Ballymena road leading to a two-mile long lane. Contact the Sites Officer for access. Negotiations are currently in progress with a wind farm developer re proposed siting of turbines upwind of the landing area and part of the soaring face of the site.
GENERAL: Sites Officer has met NI Sports Forum, SportNI and Countryside Recreation NI who are keen to support UHPC to protect and secure access to sites. Further negotiations are also ongoing involving the Chairman with windfarm developers NIE and with the National Trust. Details will be posted in the Members' Area of the UHPC website in due course. All but a very few of the site owners have been visited around Christmas with presents from the club and all have been very appreciative and content for us to continue using their land as long as we are insured.