Pat Dower Masterclass - SUNDAY 14th December 2014!
A very successful UHPC seminar conducted by Pat Dower was held in the Town Hall, Lurgan on Sunday 14 December. Programme details below.
- Setting the goals – helping you achieve what you want to from the day.
- Thermals and thermalling.
The absolute bedrock of the XC adventure. How thermals typically behave, with an emphasis on UK flying. Learning and perfecting the 5 thermalling methods.
- Getting away from the hill.
How to maximise your chances of getting away. Judging the point of no return. Backup plans.
- Decisions in flight.
Unlocking the door to freedom in the sky. Finding your next thermals. Removing the stress from decision making. Playing the % game. 360 degree decisions. Techniques for improving glide.
- Going Big.
Using “speed to fly.” Changing up and down the gears. Getting the best from your instruments.
- Choosing the days and the sites.
A straight forward guide to getting the most out of your valuable flying days. Practical tips to help you set your priorities and avoid some of the common mistakes.
Having a full understanding of the weather is not just about being in the right place at the right time. It’s also about having the information that will help you during flight. This session will be loaded with practical tips from the top pilots.
The event attendance exceeded expectations, with 32 pilots of various abilities turning up, including 5 fellow pilots from the South. All took part in the discussions on the various techniques etc with Pat answering all questions from his vast experience and knowledge. He also included a brief overview of the new BHPA Pilot Development Programme that is currently being worked on.
Unfortunately due to time constraints, physical preparation and equipment and landing out could not be covered.
If you missed this session, there is some information on Pat's website.
Thanks are due in particular to Mark Piggott, Ian Cross, Tony Conway, Jim Rainey and Steve Hill for their work in arranging and running this event.
If you want to know what it is like to leave the hill and go XC for the first time, read the excellent article "Welcome to the Gang" by new pilot Andrew Daynes, in the June 2012 club Flypaper magazine - available in the Members' Area of the UHPC website (link on the left after login). It really is worth reading.